java -jar ruleminer.jar [parameters] Parameters: --input <FILE> read data from CSV file <FILE> --numericAttributes <LIST> numbers of columns that will be treated as numeric --target <LIST> list of target columns (i.e. to search for rules maximizing impact of that columns). Target columns must be also numeric (see --numericAttributes) --antecedent <LIST> list of non-numeric columns that will be used to create antecedents (i.e. conditions) of the rules --negation <BOOL> whether to use negative conditions too (i.e. x != 1); negative conditions take much more time to traverse --maxlen <INT> maximum length of antecedents --trivialThreshold <INT> if count_rows(condition U {new_item}) / count_rows(condition) is above given threshold, the condition will not be enlarged by new_item (1 is feasible) --improvementThreshold <INT> the required improvement of impact (in %) in order to enlarge the condition (experimental feature, may not be used to obtain all rules with maximum impact) --count <INT> maximum number of generated rules (e.g. 10) --useProjections <BOOL> if true, the algorithm will perform quicker but will consume more memory --minCoverage <DECIMAL> required minimum coverage of the rules (i.e. discard rules with condition that is satisfied by less than <DECIMAL> % of data rows (0.1 is feasible)